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Press return to quit Unknown Error. Aborting. WARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD! You can use the vncpassword= boot option if you would like to secure the server. You chose to connect to a listening vncviewer. This does not require a password to be set. If you set a password, it will be used in case the connection to the vncviewer is unsuccessful You chose to execute vnc with a password. Press to reboot your system. Running in cmdline mode, no interactive debugging allowed. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate. The installation was stopped due to incomplete spokes detected while running in non-interactive cmdline mode. Since there cannot be any questions in cmdline mode, edit your kickstart file and retry installation. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate. Please make your choice from [ '1' to enter the %(spoke_title)s spoke | '%(quit)s' to quit | '%(continue)s' to continue | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: Please make your choice from above ['%(quit)s' to quit | '%(begin)s' to begin installation | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: Please make your choice from above ['%(quit)s' to quit | '%(continue)s' to continue | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: DNS: %s IPv4 Address: %(addr)s Netmask: %(netmask)s Gateway: %(gateway)s IPv6 Address: %(addr)s/%(prefix)d Starting text mode. Try the text mode installer by running: '/usr/bin/liveinst -T' from a root terminal.%(count)d disk selected; %(capacity)s capacity; %(free)s free%(count)d disks selected; %(capacity)s capacity; %(free)s free%(desc)s cannot be of type %(type)s%(desc)s cannot be of type %(type)s.%(desc)s must be between %(min)d and %(max)d MB in size%(desc)s must be mounted on one of %(mountpoints)s.%(desc)s must be within the first %(max_end)s of the disk.%(desc)s must not be larger than %(max)dMB.%(desc)s must not be smaller than %(min)dMB.%(deviceName)s may not have enough space for grub2 to embed core.img when using the %(fsType)s file system on %(deviceType)s%(freeSize)s of %(devSize)s%(fs)s must be on a device of type %(type)s%(name)s must have one of the following disklabel types: %(types)s.%(productName)s %(productVersion)s INSTALLATION%(productName)s %(productVersion)s installation%(productName)s %(productVersion)s installation on host %(name)s%(product_name)s requires %(needed_ram)s MB of memory to install, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB on this machine. %(sw_text)s You don't have enough space available to install %(product)s, even if you used all of the free space available on the selected disks.%d Mb/s%s (confirm): %s The disks you've selected have the following amounts of free space:%s cannot be encrypted%s cannot be on an encrypted block device.%s cannot be on an iSCSI disk%s free%s is missing. Cannot setup authentication.%s is missing. Cannot setup firewall.%s is now successfully installed and ready for you to use! Go ahead and reboot to start using it!%s is now successfully installed on your system and ready for you to use! When you are ready, reboot your system to start using it!%s is now successfully installed, but some configuration still needs to be done. Finish it and then click the Finish configuration button please.%s must be on a primary partition.%s timezone%s to switch layouts.%s: (%s free)/boot file system/boot/efi must be on a device of type %(oneFsType)s or %(anotherFsType)s0 GB0 MB:%(count)d disk; %(size)s capacity; %(free)s free space (unpartitioned and in file systems)%(count)d disks; %(size)s capacity; %(free)s free space (unpartitioned and in file systems)%(count)s disk; %(size)s reclaimable space (in file systems)%(count)s disks; %(size)s reclaimable space (in file systems)Tip: Keep your user name shorter than 32 characters and do not use spaces.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you press 'Rescan Disks'.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you choose to format.You don't have enough space available to install %(productName)s, even if you used all of the free space available on the selected disks. You could add more disks for additional space, modify your software selection to install a smaller version of %(productName)s, or quit the installer.You don't have enough space available to install %s. You can shrink or remove existing partitions via our guided reclaim space tool, or you can adjust your partitions on your own in the custom partitioning interface.:/Example: iqn.2012-09.com.example:diskarrays-sn-a8675309Example: squid.mysite.org:3128ADD A KEYBOARD LAYOUTADD A NEW MOUNT POINTADD DASD STORAGE TARGETADD iSCSI STORAGE TARGETADD zFCP STORAGE TARGETADVANCED USER CONFIGURATIONAMAM/PM DownAM/PM UpAVAILABLE SPACEA_utomatically configure partitioning.ActionAdd LayoutAdd NTP ServerAdd Specialized DiskAdd a new mount point.Add a new repository.Add and mark for usage NTP serversAdd deviceAdd-Ons for Selected EnvironmentAdded new %(type)s to existing container %(name)s.Additional repositoriesAdministrator %s will be createdAfter %d minutes, the installation will continue regardless of the amount of available entropyAlt + Shift to switch layouts.An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new file systems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem.An error occurred mounting the source device %s. Retry?An error occurred trying to mount some or all of your system. Some of it may be mounted under %s An error occurred unmounting the disc. Please make sure you're not accessing %s from the shell on tty2 and then click OK to retry.An error occurred while resizing the device %s.An unknown error occurred during installation. Details are below.Apply configuration in installerAre you sure you want to delete all of the data on %s, including snapshots and/or subvolumes?Are you sure you want to delete all of the data on %s?Are you sure you wish to quit the installation process?As large as possibleAt least one of your swap devices does not have a UUID, which is common in swap space created using older versions of mkswap. These devices will be referred to by device path in /etc/fstab, which is not ideal since device paths can change under a variety of circumstances. Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s...Attempting to start vncconfigAuthenticationAuthentication requiredAuthentication required by wireless networkAutomaticAutomatic partitioning failed. Click for details.Automatic partitioning selectedAutopartitioning OptionsAvailable LayoutsAvailable entropy: %(av_entr)s, Required entropy: %(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%]Available entropy: %(av_entr)s, Required entropy: %(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%] (%(rem)d %(min)s remaining)Available languagesAvailable localesAvailable regionsAvailable timezones in region %sBad format of the IP addressBase EnvironmentBase environmentBeta WarnBondBond %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedBootBridgeBridge%(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedBtrfsBtrfs partition "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "Btrfs".Btrfs partition "%s" is defined multiple times.Btrfs volume "%s" specified with --useexisting does not exist.Btrfs volume defined without any member devices. Either specify member devices or use --useexisting.CCWCD/DVDCHAP pairCHAP pair and a reverse pairCONFIGURATIONCONFIGURE %(container_type)sCONFIGURE CONTAINERCONFIGURE MOUNT POINTCREATE USERCUSTOMIZATIONCable unpluggedCan't apply configuration, device activation failed.Cannot install to unpartitionable device "%s".Cannot relabel already existing file system.Cannot set label on file system.CapacityChanges here will only apply to the installed system. Use the desktop's tool to configure the keyboard for the installation process.Checking image checksumChecking software dependencies...Checking storage configuration...Choose an installation source type.CityCloseClosest mirrorCmdlineError: Missing package: %sComplete!Configuration not saved: gateway or netmask missing in static configurationConfigure NTPConfigure device %sConfiguring addonsConfiguring device %s.Configuring installed systemConfirm PasswordConnect automatically after rebootConnectedConnected!Connected: %(list_of_interface_names)sConnectingConnecting...Connection failedContinueContinuing with this action will reset all your partitioning selections to their current on-disk state.Create a new %(container_type)s ...Create new mount points by clicking the '+' button.Create or select %(container_type)sCreating usersCurrent layout: '%s'. Add more layouts to enable switching.Current layout: '%s'. Click to switch to the next layout.Custom partitioning selectedCustom software selectedDATADATE & TIMEDEFAULT TITLEDISK ENCRYPTION PASSPHRASEDISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode.DISTRIBUTION INSTALLATIONDNSDefault HUB titleDefault RouteDefault spoke titleDeleteDeployment complete: %sDeployment starting: %sDescriptionDescription goes here.Device "%s" given in clearpart device list does not exist.Device NameDevice SelectionDevice configurationDevice descriptionDevice discovery failed.Device does not support RAID level selection %s.Device reconfiguration failed. Click for details.Device reformat request failed. Click for details.Device removal request failed. Click for details.Device resize request failed. Click for details.Device(s):Device:Device: %sDisconnectedDisconnectingDisconnecting...Discovering DASD devices. This may take a moment...Discovering iSCSI targets. This may take a moment...Discovering realm to joinDiscovering zFCP devices. This may take a moment...Discovery login rejected.DiskDisk "%s" given in clearpart command does not exist.Disk "%s" given in ignoredisk command does not exist.Disk "%s" given in part command does not exist.Disk "%s" in part command is not partitioned.Disk formatting complete.Disk rescan complete.Disk summary goes hereDisklabel "%s" given in clearpart command is not supported on this platform.Disks left unselected here will not be touched.Do you really want to quit?Downloading %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)Downloading group metadata...Downloading package metadata...Duplicate repository names.EmptyEmpty repository nameEnabledEncryptEncryptionEnough entropy gathered, please stop typing.Enter new value for '%s' and press enter EnterpriseEntropy can be increased by typing randomly on keyboardErrorError adding FCoE SAN.Error checking software dependenciesError checking software dependencies. Click for details.Error checking software selectionError checking storage configurationError checking storage configuration. Click for details.Error checking storage configuration. Click for details or press Done again to continue.Error downloading package metadataError setting up ISO fileError setting up base repositoryError setting up software sourceEscrow certificate %s requires the network.EthernetExample:Exit the shell to continueExtra characters in proxy URLFCP device %(hba_id)s WWPN %(wwpn)s LUN %(lun)sFailed to add new device. Click for details.Failed to save storage configuration...Failed to set up installation sourceFailed to set up installation source; check the repo urlFailed to set up installation source; check the repo url and proxy settingsFailed to unlock encrypted block device. Click for details.FairFile SystemFirmware missingFixedFormatting /dev/%s. This may take a moment.Formatting DASDsFreeFree spaceFree space available for use.Free space unavailable but reclaimable from existing partitions.Full NameFull name cannot contain colon charactersGRUB2 does not support installation to a partition.GUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Device number:GUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_OKGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoEUse _DCBGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoEUse auto _VLANGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_Add FCoE Disk(s)GUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_NIC:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Bind targets to network interfaces. This may take a moment...GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Discovery Authentication Type:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_OKGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Target IP Address:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|ConfigureiSCSI _Initiator Name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Retry_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP Pass_word:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP User _name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Start_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login_Node Login Authentication Type:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Login_Log InGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|RetryRetry _Log InGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP Pass_word:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAP_Reverse CHAP User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Device Number_Device number:GUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Retry Discovery_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Start Discovery_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced UserHome _directory:GUI|Advanced UserSpecify a _group ID manually:GUI|Advanced UserSpecify a _user ID manually:GUI|Advanced User_Add user to the following groups:GUI|Advanced User_CancelGUI|Advanced User_Save ChangesGUI|Custom Partitioning%d _storage device selected%d _storage devices selectedGUI|Custom PartitioningAddGUI|Custom PartitioningRefreshGUI|Custom PartitioningRemoveGUI|Custom Partitioning_Reset AllGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add DialogMount _Point:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_Add mount pointGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_Desired Capacity:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureDevice _Type:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureFile S_ystem:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureRA_ID Level:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureRef_ormatGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_EncryptGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_Modify...GUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_Volume Group:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure Dialog_SelectGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure|Devices_Modify...GUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete DialogDelete _all other file systems in the %s root as well.GUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete Dialog_Delete ItGUI|Custom Partitioning|Container DialogSi_ze policy:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_Name:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_SaveGUI|Custom Partitioning|Devices and %d other and %d othersGUI|Custom Partitioning|Encrypted_Passphrase:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Encrypted_UnlockGUI|DASD Format Dialog_CancelGUI|DASD Format Dialog_Format with dasdfmtGUI|DASD Format Dialog_OKGUI|Date and Time24-_hourGUI|Date and Time_AM/PMGUI|Date and Time_City:GUI|Date and Time_Network TimeGUI|Date and Time_Region:GUI|Date and Time|NTP_CancelGUI|Date and Time|NTP_OKGUI|Detailed Error Dialog_CancelGUI|Detailed Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Installation Destination|Filter%d _storage device selected%d _storage devices selectedGUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd EC_KD DASD...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd FCo_E SAN...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd _iSCSI Target...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterRefresh _ListGUI|Installation Destination|FilterSearc_hGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Add zFCP LUN...GUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Multipath DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Other SAN DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_zSeries DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter|MultipathFilter _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|InterconnectShow Only _Devices With:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|VendorShow Only _Devices From:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|WWIDShow Only _Devices Containing:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|OtherFilter _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|IDShow Only _Devices Containing:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|InterconnectShow Only _Devices With:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|VendorShow Only _Devices From:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|SearchSearch Res_ults:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|SearchSearch _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_LUN:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_Port:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_Target:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|WWID_WWID:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeriesFilter B_y:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|CCW_CCW:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|LUN_LUN:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|WWPN_WWPN:GUI|Keyboard LayoutMove selected layout _downGUI|Keyboard LayoutMove selected layout _upGUI|Keyboard Layout_Add layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_OptionsGUI|Keyboard Layout_Preview layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_Remove layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_Test the layout configuration below:GUI|Keyboard Layout|Add Layout_AddGUI|Keyboard Layout|Add Layout_CancelGUI|Keyboard Layout|Switching Options_CancelGUI|Keyboard Layout|Switching Options_OKGUI|Main_NoGUI|Main_YesGUI|NetworkUnloc_kGUI|Network_Airplane ModeGUI|Network_Host name:GUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_AddGUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_CancelGUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_Select the type of device you wish to addGUI|Network|Authentication DialogC_onnectGUI|Network|Authentication Dialog_CancelGUI|Network|Mobile Broadband_Configure...GUI|Network|ProxyHTTP _ProxyGUI|Network|ProxyH_TTPS ProxyGUI|Network|Proxy_Configuration URLGUI|Network|Proxy_FTP ProxyGUI|Network|Proxy_MethodGUI|Network|Proxy_Socks HostGUI|Network|Secrets Dialog_Key:GUI|Network|Secrets Dialog_Password:GUI|Network|VPN_Configure...GUI|Network|WiredC_onfigure...GUI|Network|Wireless_Configure...GUI|Network|Wireless_Network NameGUI|Network|Wireless_Stop Hotspot...GUI|Network|Wireless_Use as Hotspot...GUI|Passphrase DialogCon_firm:GUI|Passphrase Dialog_CancelGUI|Passphrase Dialog_Passphrase:GUI|Passphrase Dialog_Save PassphraseGUI|Password_Confirm:GUI|Password_Root Password:GUI|Progress_Finish configurationGUI|Progress_QuitGUI|Progress_RebootGUI|Reclaim DialogDelete _allGUI|Reclaim DialogPreserve _allGUI|Reclaim Dialog_CancelGUI|Reclaim Dialog_DeleteGUI|Reclaim Dialog_PreserveGUI|Reclaim Dialog_Reclaim spaceGUI|Reclaim Dialog_ShrinkGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_CancelGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_OKGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_Rescan DisksGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_CloseGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_Do not install boot loaderGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_RemoveGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_Set as Boot DeviceGUI|Software Selection|Error DialogModify _SelectionsGUI|Software Selection|Error Dialog_Modify Software SourceGUI|Software Selection|Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Software SourceA_ddGUI|Software SourceD_evice:GUI|Software SourceDon't install the latest available software _updates. Install the default versions provided by the installation source above.GUI|Software SourceN_FS mount options:GUI|Software SourcePass_word:GUI|Software SourcePro_xy URL:GUI|Software SourceRese_tGUI|Software SourceThis URL refers to a _mirror list.GUI|Software SourceThis URL refers to a mirror _list.GUI|Software SourceU_ser name:GUI|Software Source_Auto-detected installation media:GUI|Software Source_Choose an ISOGUI|Software Source_ISO file:GUI|Software Source_Name:GUI|Software Source_On the network:GUI|Software Source_Proxy setup...GUI|Software Source_RemoveGUI|Software Source_VerifyGUI|Software Source|ISO Chooser Dialog_CancelGUI|Software Source|ISO Chooser Dialog_OpenGUI|Software Source|Media Check Dialog_DoneGUI|Software Source|Proxy DialogPass_wordGUI|Software Source|Proxy DialogUser _nameGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_CancelGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Enable HTTP ProxyGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_OKGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Proxy HostGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Use AuthenticationGUI|SpokeDATE & _TIMEGUI|SpokeINSTALLATION _DESTINATIONGUI|Spoke_INSTALLATION DESTINATIONGUI|Spoke_INSTALLATION SOURCEGUI|Spoke_KEYBOARDGUI|Spoke_LANGUAGE SUPPORTGUI|Spoke_NETWORK & HOST NAMEGUI|Spoke_ROOT PASSWORDGUI|Spoke_SOFTWARE SELECTIONGUI|Spoke_USER CREATIONGUI|Storage_Add a disk...GUI|Storage_Full disk summary and boot loader...GUI|Storage|Error Dialog_Modify Storage LayoutGUI|Storage|Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Storage|Need Space DialogCancel & _add more disksGUI|Storage|Need Space Dialog_Reclaim spaceGUI|Storage|No Space Dialog_CancelGUI|Storage|No Space Dialog_Quit installerGUI|Summary_Begin InstallationGUI|Summary_QuitGUI|Summary Dialog_Accept ChangesGUI|Summary Dialog_Cancel & Return to Custom PartitioningGUI|UserMake this user administratorGUI|UserRequire a password to use this accountGUI|User_Advanced...GUI|User_Confirm passwordGUI|User_Full nameGUI|User_PasswordGUI|User_User nameGUI|Welcome|Beta Warn DialogI want to _exit.GUI|Welcome|Beta Warn DialogI want to _proceed.GUI|Welcome|Unsupported Hardware Dialog_ContinueGUI|Welcome|Unsupported Hardware Dialog_QuitGatewayGenerating initramfsGenerating updated storage configurationGetting list of layouts...Giving up attempting to connect after %d try! Giving up attempting to connect after %d tries! Giving up, time (%d minutes) ran out.GoodGraphical installation is not available. Starting text mode.Group MembershipGroup NameGroup PasswordHardware AddressHardware error occuredHelp!Here we'll describe how much space is needed for the current software selection.Here we'll describe what your options are.Host nameHost name cannot be None or an empty string.Host name is not valid: %sHost name must be 255 or fewer characters in length.Host name: %s Host names can only contain the characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '-', or '.', parts between periods must contain something and cannot start or end with '-'.Hour DownHour UpHoursI would like to _make additional space available.IDIMEIINSTALLATION DESTINATIONINSTALLATION OPTIONSINSTALLATION SOURCEINSTALLATION SUMMARYIP AddressIPv4 AddressIPv4 address or %s for DHCPIPv4 gatewayIPv4 netmaskIPv6 AddressIPv6 address or %(auto)s for automatic, %(dhcp)s for DHCP, %(ignore)s to turn offIPv6 default gatewayIdentifierIdentity: InstallInstall the live CD to your hard diskInstall to Hard DriveInstallationInstallation DestinationInstallation requires partitioning of your hard drive. Select what space to use for the install target.Installation sourceInstallation source needs to be set up first.Installation source not set upInstallation was stopped due to an error installing the boot loader. The exact error message is: %s The installer will now terminate.InstallingInstalling boot loaderInstalling softwareInterconnectInterfaceInvalid URLInvalid container nameInvalid environment specified in kickstartInvalid group name: %sInvalid host nameInvalid partition size set. Use a valid integer.Invalid proxy URLInvalid proxy protocol: %sInvalid repository nameInvalid timezoneInvalid user nameInvalid user name: %s. Joining realm: %sKEYBOARD LAYOUTLANGUAGE SUPPORTLAYOUT SWITCHING OPTIONSLOCALIZATIONLUKS device %s has no encryption keyLUNLUN:LVMLVM Thin ProvisioningLabel:Label: %sLanguage is not set.Language settingsLanguagesLayout OptionsLayout switching not configured.Local Standard DisksLocal mediaLocalesLogical volume "%s" given in logvol command does not exist.Logical volume name "%(logvol)s" is already in use in volume group "%(volgroup)s".Logical volume size "%(logvolSize)s" must be larger than the volume group extent size of "%(extentSize)s".MANUAL PARTITIONINGMEDIA VERIFICATIONMinutesMinutes DownMinutes UpModelMore Network Config BoxMore customization options are available after creating the mount point below.More than one match found for given boot drive "%s".Mount _Point:Mount pointNETWORK & HOST NAMENETWORK CONFIGURATIONNFS mount optionsNFS server %sNFS server is emptyNIC "%s" given in fcoe command does not exist.NameName of the repository.Nameservers (comma separated)Need SpaceNetworkNetwork Config BoxNetwork NameNetwork configurationNetwork interface "%(nic)s" required by iSCSI "%(iscsiTarget)s" target is not up.New %(name)s %(version)s InstallationNew DeviceNew NTP ServerNew SelectorNew valueNo *.iso files found in device root folderNo SpaceNo credentials (discovery authentication disabled)No disk found for specified BIOS disk "%s".No disks assignedNo disks detected. Please shut down the computer, connect at least one disk, and restart to complete installation.No disks selectedNo disks selected.No disks selected; please select at least one disk to install to.No host urlNo installation source availableNo mountable devices foundNo network devices availableNo size given for logical volume "%s". Use one of --useexisting, --size, or --percent.No thin pool exists with the name "%s". Specify thin pools before thin volumes.No user will be createdNo valid boot loader target device found. See below for details.No volume group exists with the name "%s". Specify volume groups before logical volumes.Node NameNode login failed.NoneNot connectedNot enough RAMNot enough free space on selected disks.Not enough space in file systems for the current software selection. An additional %s is needed.Not resizeableNote: The settings you make on this screen will not be applied until you click on the main menu's 'Begin Installation' button.Nothing selectedNotice: This is pre-release software that is intended for development and testing purposes only. Do not use this software for any critical work or for production environments. By clicking "I want to proceed", you understand and accept the risks associated with pre-release software, that you intend to use this for testing and development purposes only, and are willing to report any bugs or issues in order to enhance this work. If you do not understand or accept the risks, then please exit this program by clicking "I want to exit" which will reboot your system.Optional proxy password.Optional proxy user name.Or, assign new mount points to existing partitions after selecting them below.OrderOther Storage OptionsPMPRE-RELEASE / TESTINGPV partition "%s" is defined multiple times.ParentPartition "%s" given in part command does not exist.Partition Scheme OptionsPartitioningPassphrase contains non-ASCII charactersPassphrase for autopart encryption not specified.Passphrase: Passphrases do not match.PasswordPassword (confirm): Password is not set.Password is set.Password set.Password: Passwords do not match!Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless networkPasswords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network '%(network_id)s'.PathsPercentage must be between 0 and 100.Performing post-installation setup tasksPhysical volume "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "lvmpv".Please complete all spokes before continuingPlease complete items marked with this icon before continuing to the next step.Please create a name for this %(container_type)s and select at least one disk below.Please create a name for this container and select at least one disk below.Please enter a valid mount point.Please enter a valid name.Please make a selection from the above: Please make your selection from the above list. Press 'c' to continue after you have made your selection. Please manually connect your vnc client to %s to begin the install.Please manually connect your vnc client to :%s to begin the install. Switch to the shell (Ctrl-B 2) and run 'ip addr' to find the .Please press to get a shell. Please provide VNC password (must be six to eight characters long). You will have to type it twice. Leave blank for no passwordPlease respond '%(yes)s' or '%(no)s': Please select language support to install. [%(back)s to return to language list, %(continue)s to continue, %(quit)s to quit]: Please select new root password. You will have to type it twice.Please select the network interface which is connected to your FCoE switch.Please select the timezone. Use numbers or type names directly [%(back)s to region list, %(quit)s to quit]: Please ssh install@%s to begin the install.Please ssh install@ to continue installation.Please use the live desktop environment's tools for customizing your network configuration. You can set the host name here.Please wait... software metadata still loading.PortPort / Target / LUN #PortalPreparing deployment of %sPreparing to installPreparing transaction from installation sourcePreservePress ENTER to continuePress enter to exit.Pressing 'OK' below will take you to the disk selection screen where you will need to re-select your disks.Private key password: Probing storage...Processing...ProgressProtocol for the repository URL.Protocol in URL does not match selected protocolProviderProxy authentication data duplicatedQuestionQuitRAIDRAID Level:RAID device "%s" given in raid command does not exist.RAID device "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "mdmember".RAID partition "%s" is defined multiple times.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following device types: %(types)s.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following metadata versions: %(metadata_versions)s.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following raid levels: %(raid_level)s.RAID volume "%s" specified with --useexisting does not exist.RAID0 (Performance)RAID1 (Redundancy)RAID10 (Performance, Redundancy)RAID4 (Error Checking)RAID5 (Distributed Error Checking)RAID6 (Redundant Error Checking)RECLAIM DISK SPACERESCAN DISKSROOT PASSWORDRandom data quality:Read-only mountReclaimable SpaceRegionReload storage configuration from disk.Remote directory is requiredRemove the selected mount point(s).Remove the selected repository.Replace Existing Linux system(s)Repo URLRepository name conflicts with internal repository name.Requested boot drive "%s" doesn't exist or cannot be used.RescueRescue MountRestoring hardware time...Revert to the previous list of repositories.Root SelectionRoot account is disabledRoot account is disabled.Root passwordRoot password is not setRoot password is setRun %s to unmount the system when you are finished.Run %s to unmount the system when you are finished. Running post-installation scriptsRunning pre-installation scriptsSELECTED DISKSSOFTWARESOFTWARE SELECTIONSPOKE NAMESUMMARY OF CHANGESSYSTEMSaving storage configuration...Scanning disks. This may take a moment...SecuritySecurity KeySelect a partition scheme configuration.Select additional language support to be installed:Select allSelect an ISO to use as install sourceSelect device containing the ISO fileSelect one or more disks this device may reside on.Select the device(s) you'd like to install to. They will be left untouched until you click on the main menu's "Begin Installation" button.Selected DeviceSelected LayoutsSelected environment is not validSet Date & TimeSet host nameSetting up installation source...Setting up the installation environmentSettings default fstype to %s failed.ShellShrinkSingle (No Redundancy, No Striping)Skip to shellSlavesSoftware selectionSource changed - please verifySpecialized & Network DisksSpecified name %s already in use.Specify Repo OptionsSpeedStandard PartitionStart VNCStart shellStarting Install to Hard DriveStarting VNC...Starting automated installStarting package installation processStarting pull of %(branchName)s from %(source)sStatus unknownStatus unknown (missing)Storage OptionsStorage configuration reset due to unrecoverable error. Click for details.StrongSubnet MaskTOTAL SPACETUI|Spoke NavigationbTUI|Spoke NavigationcTUI|Spoke NavigationnoTUI|Spoke NavigationqTUI|Spoke NavigationrTUI|Spoke NavigationyesTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportbTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportcTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportqTUI|Spoke Navigation|Time SettingsbTUI|Spoke Navigation|Time SettingsqTargetTarget WWIDTarget size "%(size)s" for device "%(device)s" is invalid.TeamTeam%(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedTesting layouts configuration not available.Text mode provides a limited set of installation options. It does not offer custom partitioning for full control over the disk layout. Would you like to use VNC mode instead?That mount point is already in use. Try something else?That mount point is already in use. Try something else?That mount point is invalid. Try something else?The "%s" file system type is not supported.The %(product_name)s graphical installer requires %(needed_ram)s MB of memory, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB .The %s kickstart command is not currently supported.The 'boot' area on your computer is where files needed to start the operating system are stored.The 'home' area on your computer is where all your personal data is stored.The 'root' area on your computer is where core system files and applications are stored.The 'swap' area on your computer is used by the operating system when running low on memory.The BIOS boot partition is required to enable booting from GPT-partitioned disks on BIOS hardware.The ISO image %s has a size which is not a multiple of 2048 bytes. This may mean it was corrupted on transfer to this computer. It is recommended that you exit and abort your installation, but you can choose to continue if you think this is in error. Would you like to continue using this image?The PReP boot partition is required as part of the boot loader configuration on some PPC platforms.The RAID level you have selected (%(level)s) requires more disks (%(min)d) than you currently have selected (%(count)d).The RAID volume name "%s" is already in use.The VNC server is now running.The container is encrypted.The following error occurred discovering DASD devices. Please double check your configuration information and try again.The following error occurred discovering iSCSI targets. Please double check your authorization information and try again.The following error occurred discovering zFCP devices. Please double check your configuration information and try again.The following error occurred logging into the selected iSCSI node. Please double check your authorization information and try againThe following error occurred while attempting to add an FCoE SAN. Please check your configuration and try againThe following error occurred while installing the boot loader. The system will not be bootable. Would you like to ignore this and continue with installation?The following error occurred while installing. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The following error was encountered while downloading the escrow certificate: %sThe following errors occurred with your partitioning: %(errortxt)s The installation will now terminate.The following errors were encountered when checking your storage configuration. You can modify your storage layout or quit the installer.The following file systems for your Linux system were not unmounted cleanly. Would you like to mount them anyway? %sThe following installations were discovered on your system. The following mandatory spokes are not completed:The following nodes have been discovered using the iSCSI initiator %(initiatorName)s using the target IP address %(targetAddress)s. Please select which nodes you wish to log into:The following software marked for installation has errors. This is likely caused by an error with your installation source.The following unformatted or LDL DASDs have been detected on your system. You can choose to format them now with dasdfmt or cancel to leave them unformatted. Unformatted DASDs cannot be used during installation.The following unformatted or LDL DASDs have been detected on your system. You can choose to format them now with dasdfmt or cancel to leave them unformatted. Unformatted DASDs cannot be used during installation. The following warnings were encountered when checking your storage configuration. These are not fatal, but you may wish to make changes to your storage layout.The group '%s' is required for this installation. This group does not exist. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The installation cannot continue and the system will be rebootedThe installation was stopped due to what seems to be a problem with your hardware. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate.The installer has tried to mount the installation image, but cannot find it on the hard drive. Should I try again to locate the image?The maximum size "%s" is invalid.The mount point "%s" is not valid. It must start with a /.The mount point %s must be on a linux file system.The package '%s' is required for this installation. This package does not exist. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The password cannot be more than eight characters long.The password is empty.The password is set.The password must be at least six characters long.The password was set by kickstart.The password you have provided contains non-ASCII characters. You may not be able to switch between keyboard layouts to login. Press Done to continue.The password you have provided is weak. You will have to press Done twice to confirm it.The password you have provided is weak: %s. You will have to press Done twice to confirm it.The passwords do not match.The passwords you entered were different. Please try again.The rescue environment will now attempt to find your Linux installation and mount it under the directory : %s. You can then make any changes required to your system. Choose '1' to proceed with this step. You can choose to mount your file systems read-only instead of read-write by choosing '2'. If for some reason this process does not work choose '3' to skip directly to a shell. The root account is used for administering the system. Enter a password for the root user.The size "%s" is invalid.The software marked for installation has the following errors. This is likely caused by an error with your installation source. You can quit the installer, change your software source, or change your software selections.The space available to this mount point can be changed by modifying the volume below.The system needs better quality of random data, you can improve it by typing randomly on keyboard and moving your mouse. The installation will continue automatically regardless of random data quality when time runs out.The system needs more random data entropyThe system will reboot automatically when you exit from the shell. The upgrade kickstart command is no longer supported. Upgrade functionality is provided through fedup.The volume group name "%s" is already in use.There is a problem with your existing storage configuration: %(errortxt)s You must resolve this matter before the installation can proceed. There is a shell available for use which you can access by pressing ctrl-alt-f1 and then ctrl-b 2. Once you have resolved the issue you can retry the storage scan. If you do not fix it you will have to exit the installer.There is also free space available in pre-existing file systems. While it's risky and we recommend you back up your data first, you can recover that free disk space and make it available for this installation below.There is an entry in your /etc/fstab file that contains an invalid or incorrect file system type: There was a problem with your disk selection. Click here for details.There was an error running the kickstart script at line %(lineno)s. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted. The details of this error are: %(details)sThis LVM Volume Group is missing %(missingPVs)d of %(totalPVs)d physical volumes. You can remove it or select a different device.This Software RAID array is missing %(missingMembers)d of %(totalMembers)d member partitions. You can remove it or select a different device.This device cannot be edited directly. You can remove it or select a different device.This device contains the installation source.This device is encrypted and cannot be read without a valid passphrase. You may unlock it below.This field is optional.This file system may not be resized.This hardware (or a combination thereof) is not supported by Red Hat. For more information on supported hardware, please refer to http://www.redhat.com/hardware.This is unstable, pre-release software.This media is good to install from.This media is not good to install from.This mount point is invalid. The %s directory must be on the / file system.This platform requires /boot on a dedicated partition or logical volume. If you do not want a /boot volume, you must place / on a dedicated non-LVM partition.Timezone is not set.Timezone settingsTip:To apply the configuration immediately turn the device off and on.To use DASD disks, you must provide the device number.To use iSCSI disks, you must provide the address of your iSCSI target and the iSCSI initiator name you've configured for your host.To use zFCP disks, you must provide the device number, WWPN, and LUN configured for the device.Total selected space to reclaim: %sTried to use undefined partition "%s" in Btrfs volume specification.Tried to use undefined partition "%s" in RAID specification.Tried to use undefined partition "%s" in Volume Group specificationTry FedoraTypeType here to search.UNFORMATTED DASDSURL for the repository, without protocol.URL has no host componentURL is emptyURL of proxy in the form of protocol://host:[port]USER SETTINGSUnable to find /bin/bash to execute! Not starting shell.Unacceptable label format for file system.UnavailableUnformatted DASDs DetectedUnknownUnmanagedUnsupported HardwareUnsupported Hardware DetectedUpdatesUseUse All SpaceUse Free SpaceUse Network TimeUse of this product is subject to the license agreement found at %sUse text modeUse the credentials from discoveryUser %s will be createdUser and Group IDsUser creationUser nameUser name: VLANVLAN %(interface_name)s (%(parent_device)s, ID %(vlanid)s) connectedVLAN IDVNCVNC PasswordVNC password must be six to eight characters long. Please enter a new one, or leave blank for no password.VPN TypeVendorVerifying media, please wait...VolumeVolume GroupVolume Group name %s is already in use. Not saving changes.Volume group "%s" defined without any physical volumes. Either specify physical volumes or use --useexisting.Volume group "%s" given in volgroup command does not exist.Volume group given physical extent size of "%(extentSize)s", but must be one of: %(validExtentSizes)s.WELCOMEWELCOME TO %(name)s %(version)s.WEPWPAWPA2WWIDWWPNWWPN:Waiting for %s threads to finishWarning checking storage configurationWarning checking storage configuration. Click for details.Warning checking storage configuration. Click for details or press Done again to continue.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you choose to format. Proceed to run dasdfmt? Warning: You won't be able to switch between keyboard layouts (from the default one) when you decrypt your disks after install.WarningsWe won't touch your disks until you click 'Begin Installation'.We'll need network access to fetch information about your location and to make software updates available for you.WeakWelcome to FedoraWhat language would you like to use during the installation process?When finished, please exit from the shell and your system will reboot.When you create mount points for your %(name)s %(version)s installation, you'll be able to view their details here.Which combination(s) would you prefer for switching between keyboard layouts?Which installation source would you like to use?Which keyboard layouts would you like to use on this system? You may move any layout to the top of the list to select it as the default.Will try to connect again in 15 seconds...Wired (%(interface_name)s) connectedWired (%(interface_name)s) connected Wired (%(interface_name)s) disconnected WirelessWireless connected to %(access_point)sWorkingWriting network configurationX was unable to start on your machine. Would you like to start VNC to connect to this computer from another computer and perform a graphical installation or continue with a text mode installation?You are currently running Fedora from live media. You can install Fedora now, or choose "Install to Hard Drive" in the Activities Overview at any later time.You can choose "Install to Hard Drive" in the Activities Overview at any later time.You can remove existing file systems you no longer need to free up space for this installation. Removing a file system will permanently delete all of the data it contains.You can remove or insert additional disks at this time and press 'Rescan Disks' below for the changes to take effect.You don't have any Linux partitions. Rebooting. You don't have any Linux partitions. %s You have chosen to encrypt some of your data. You will need to create a passphrase that you will use to access your data when you start your computer.You have chosen to skip boot loader installation. Your system may not be bootable.You have no working NTP server configuredYou have not created a bootable partition.You have not defined a root partition (/), which is required for installation of %s to continue.You have not specified a swap partition. %(requiredMem)s of memory is required to continue installation without a swap partition, but you only have %(installedMem)s.You have not specified a swap partition. Although not strictly required in all cases, it will significantly improve performance for most installations.You have provided a password containing non-ASCII characters. You may not be able to switch between keyboard layouts to login. You have provided a weak passphrase: %sYou have provided a weak password. Would you like to use it anyway?You have provided a weak password. Press Done again to use anyway.You have provided a weak password: %s Would you like to use it anyway?You have provided a weak password: %s. Press Done again to use anyway.You have provided an invalid user name: %s Tip: Keep your user name shorter than 32 characters and do not use spaces. You have specified that the group '%s' should be excluded from installation. This group does not exist. Would you like to ignore this group and continue with installation?You have specified that the group '%s' should be installed. This group does not exist. Would you like to ignore this group and continue with installation?You have specified that the package '%s' should be installed. This package does not exist. Would you like to ignore this package and continue with installation?You haven't created any mount points for your %(product)s %(version)s installation yet. You can:You may go back to the main menu to complete other installation options while formatting completes.You may go back to the main menu to complete other installation options while this scan completes.You may add a keyboard layout by selecting it below:You may input a comma-separated list of group names and group IDs here. Groups that do not already exist will be created; specify their GID in parentheses. You must create a new file system on the root device.You must enter your root password and confirm it by typing it a second time to continue.You must set a passwordYou need to configure the network to use a network installation source.You need to set up networking first if you want to use NTPYou selected disk %(selected)s, which contains devices that also use unselected disk %(unselected)s. You must select or de-select these disks as a set.You selected disk %(selected)s, which contains devices that also use unselected disks %(unselected)s. You must select or de-select these disks as a set.You'll be able to make space available during custom partitioning.You'll set a passphrase next.Your %(mount)s partition is less than %(size)s which is lower than recommended for a normal %(productName)s install.Your %(mount)s partition is too large for %(format)s formatting (allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)Your %(mount)s partition is too small for %(format)s formatting (allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)Your BIOS-based system needs a special partition to boot from a GPT disk label. To continue, please create a 1MiB 'biosboot' type partition.Your current %(product)s software selection requires %(total)s of available space, including %(software)s for software and %(swap)s for swap space.Your customizations will result in the following changes taking effect after you return to the main menu and begin installation:Your root partition is less than 250 megabytes which is usually too small to install %s.Your system had dirty file systems which you chose not to mount. From a shell, you can fsck and mount your partitions manually. Your system has been mounted under %(mountpoint)s. If you would like to make your system the root environment, run the command: chroot %(mountpoint)s Your system is mounted under the %s directory._Click here to create them automatically._Continue_Desired Capacity:_Done_Encrypt my data._Exit Installer_I will configure partitioning._Label:_Name:_New mount points will use the following partitioning scheme:_No_OK_Preserve current selections_Quit_Reset selections_Retry_Update Settings_Yesautopart fstype of %s is invalid.boot loader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s is on a multi-disk array, but boot loader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not part of this array. The stage1 boot loader will only be installed to a single drive.boot loader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s is on a multi-disk array, but boot loader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not. A drive failure in %(stage2dev)s could render the system unbootable.checkedcontainerdescriptiondisk freeeg: "20 GB", "500mb" (minus the quotation marks)empty passwordenglishNamefs freeiscsi --iface must be specified (binding used) either for all targets or for nonelocal ISO filelogvol --noformat must also use the --name= option.malformed URL, cannot parse it.minuteminutesnamenativeNamepart --noformat must also use the --onpart option.qraid --noformat must also use the --device option.selectedstorage configuration failed: %ssummarytesting status...unpluggedusevolgroup --noformat and volgroup --useexisting must also use the --name= option.wheel, my-team (1245), project-x (29935)Project-Id-Version: anaconda Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: anaconda-devel-list@redhat.com POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-29 08:08-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-24 08:11-0400 Last-Translator: Leah Liu Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/anaconda/language/zh_CN/) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.3 使用本产品即表示遵守此许可协议 %s 安装已完成。按回车键退出 未知错误,正在终止。 警告!!!VNC 服务器在没有密码的情况下运行! 您可以使用 vncpassword= 引导选项 来保证服务器的安全。 您选择连接到进行侦听的 vncviewer。 这不需要设置密码。如果您 设置了密码,将在连接到 vncviewer 失败时使用。 您选择运行 VNC 时使用密码。 按 重启计算机。 当前运行于命令行模式,不能进行交互式调试。 具体错误信息为: %s。 安装程序将终止。 在运行非交互命令行模式的过程中检测到不完整的会话,而造成安装停止。由于命令行模式中不能出现任何问题,因此请编辑您的 kickstart 文件并重新进行安装。 具体出错信息为: %s。 安装程序将中止。请根据以上信息选择 ['1' 输入 %(spoke_title)s 标题 | '%(quit)s' 停止 | '%(continue)s' 继续 | '%(refresh)s' 为刷新]:请从上方做出选择 ['%(quit)s' 退出 | '%(begin)s' 开始安装| '%(refresh)s' 刷新]:请从以上选项中选择 ['%(quit)s' 退出 | '%(continue)s' 继续| '%(refresh)s' 刷新]:DNS: %s IPv4 地址:%(addr)s 网络掩码:%(netmask)s 网关:%(gateway)s IPv6 地址:%(addr)s/%(prefix)d 正在启动文本模式。在 root 终端下运行: '/usr/bin/liveinst -T' 尝试文本模式安装。已选择 %(count)d 个磁盘;容量 %(capacity)s;%(free)s 空闲%(desc)s 的类型不能为 %(type)s%(desc)s 的类型不能为 %(type)s。%(desc)s 大小必须在 %(min)d 到 %(max)d MB 之间%(desc)s 必须挂载到 %(mountpoints)s 其中之一。%(desc)s 必须位于磁盘的前 %(max_end)s 以内。%(desc)s 绝不能超过 %(max)dMB。%(desc)s 绝不能小于 %(min)d MB。当在 %(deviceType)s 上使用 %(fsType)s 文件系统时,%(deviceName)s 的空间大小可能无法让 grub2 嵌入 core.img%(devSize)s 中的 %(freeSize)s %(fs)s 必须位于 %(type)s 类型的设备上%(name)s 必须拥有以下磁盘标签类型之一:%(types)s。%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安装%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安装%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安装在主机 %(name)s 上%(product_name)s 需要 %(needed_ram)s MB 的内存进行安装,但本机只有 %(total_ram)s MB。 %(sw_text)s 即使使用所选盘上的全部可用空闲空间,也不够用来安装 %(product)s。%d Mb/s%s(确认):%s 您选择的磁盘有如下数量的空闲空间:%s 无法加密%s 不能位于加密的块设备上。%s 不能位于 iSCSI 磁盘中%s 空闲%s 缺失。无法设置验证。%s 缺失。无法设置防火墙。%s 已成功安装并可以使用! 重启然后使用吧!%s 已成功安装到您的计算机并可以使用!在您准备好后,重启就可以开始使用了!%s 已成功安装,不过仍有一些配置需要完成。 完成之后,请点击结束配置按钮。%s 必须在主分区。%s 时区%s 用来切换布局。%s:(%s 空闲)/boot 文件系统/boot/efi 必须位于 %(oneFsType)s 或 %(anotherFsType)s 类型的设备上。0 GB0 MB:%(count)d 个磁盘;容量 %(size)s;空闲空间 %(free)s (包括未分区及文件系统内的部分)(文件系统中) %(count)s 磁盘;有 %(size)s 可回收空间提示:您的用户名长度要少于 32 个字符并且不能有空格。警告: 当您按“重新扫描硬盘”后,所有使用安装程序所做的存储上的修改将会丢失。警告:选择进行格式化后所有使用安装程序进行的存储变更都将会丢失。即使使用所选盘中的全部可用空间,您也没有足够的可用空间安装 %(productName)s。您可以添加更多磁盘获得更多可用空间,或者也可以修改软件选择,让 %(productName)s 的安装变得小一些,或者退出安装程序。您没有足够的可用空间安装 %s,您可以在回收空间工具的指引下压缩或删除现有分区。或者您可以在自定义分区界面中自行调整分区。:/例如: iqn.2012-09.com.example:diskarrays-sn-a8675309示例: squid.mysite.org:3128添加键盘布局添加新挂载点添加 DASD 存储对象添加 iSCSI 存储对象添加 zFCP 存储目标高级用户配置AMAM/PM 下调AM/PM 上调可用空间自动配置分区(_U)。操作增加布局增加 NTP 服务器添加指定磁盘添加新挂载点。添加新软件仓库。添加并标记为使用 NTP 服务器添加设备已选环境的附加选项添加新 %(type)s 至已有容器 %(name)s。额外软件仓库将创建管理员用户 %s%d 分钟后,无论有多少熵可用,安装都会继续。按 Alt + Shift 切换键盘布局。出现错误 - 未找到要在其中创建新文件系统的有效设备。请检查您的硬件以找到问题的起因。挂载源设备 %s 时发生错误。重试吗?尝试挂载系统中的某些或全部文件系统时出错。某些文件系统可能已经被挂载到 %s 。 卸载光盘时出错。请确定您当前没有从 tty2 上的 shell 访问 %s,然后点击确定来重试。调整设备 %s 大小时发生错误。安装过程中发生未知错误。 详情如下。在安装程序中应用配置您确定要删除 %s 上包括快照和/或子卷等所有数据吗?您确定要删除 %s 中的所有数据吗?您确定要退出 安装程序吗?尽可能的大您的 swap 设备中至少有一个没有 UUID,此问题常见于使用较早版本的 mkswap 创建的 swap 空间。这些设备将会按照它们在 /etc/fstab 中的设备路径进行参照。由于设备路径可能会在不同环境下发生变化,因此这不是个很理想的做法。尝试在主机 %s 上连接 vnc 客户端...尝试启动 vncconfig认证需要认证无线网络需要认证自动自动分区失败。点击查看详情。已选择自动分区自动分区选项可用布局可用熵:%(av_entr)s,还需要熵: %(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%]可用熵:%(av_entr)s,还需要熵:%(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%] (剩余 %(rem)d %(min)s)可用语言可用区域选项可选地区%s 地区中的可选时区IP 地址格式错误基本环境基本环境Beta 版警告绑定Bond %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 已连接可引导桥接网桥 %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 已连接 BtrfsBtrfs 分区“%(device)s”的分区类型为“%(format)s”格式,但应该为“Btrfs”格式。Btrfs 分区“%s”已定义多次。用 --useexisting 指定的 Btrfs 卷“%s”不存在。Btrfs 卷中没有定义任何成员设备。请指定成员设备,或者使用 --useexisting 选项。CCWCD/DVDCHAP 对CHAP 对和逆向对配置配置 %(container_type)s配置容器配置挂载点创建用户自定义未插入线缆无法应用配置,设备激活失败。不能在无法分区的设备“%s”上安装。无法为已有文件系统重新设置标签。无法在文件系统上设置标签。容量这里的更改只会应用到已安装的系统。使用桌面工具可配置安装过程中的键盘布局。正在检查镜像校验和检查软件依赖关系...正在检查存储配置...选择安装源类型。城市关闭最近的镜像命令行错误:缺少软件包:%s完成!配置未保存:静态配置中缺少网关和子网掩码配置 NTP配置设备 %s正在配置附加组件配置设备 %s。正在配置已安装系统确认密码重启后自动连接已连接已连接!已连接:%(list_of_interface_names)s连接中正在连接...连接失败继续继续此步骤将会把您的分区方案重设为它们当前的状态。创建新 %(container_type)s ...通过点击“+”按钮创建新挂载点。创建或选择 %(container_type)s创建用户当前布局:'%s'。添加更多布局以启用切换功能。当前布局:'%s'。点击切换至下一个布局。已选择自定义分区已选择自定义软件数据日期 & 时间默认标题磁盘加密密码未设定 DISPLAY 变量。正在启动文本模式。发行版安装DNS默认HUB 标题默认路由默认称谓删除部署完成:%s部署正在开始:%s描述描述在此。在 clearpart 设备列表中指定的磁盘“%s”不存在。设备名称设备选择设备配置设备描述未找到设备。设备不支持选择的 RAID 级别 %s。设备重新配置失败。点击查看详情。设备重新格式化请求失败。点击查看详情。移除设备失败。点击查看详情。设备重调大小失败。点击查看详情。设备:设备:设备:%s已断开连接正在断开连接正在断开连接...正在查找 DASD 设备。可能要花些时间...正在查找 iSCSI 对象。此过程可能要花些时间...查找域并加入正在查找 zFCP 设备。此过程可能要花些时间...Discovery 登录被拒绝。磁盘在 clearpart 命令中指定的磁盘“%s”不存在。ignoredisk 命令中指定的磁盘“%s”不存在。part 命令中指定的磁盘“%s”不存在。part 命令中的磁盘“%s”没有分区。磁盘格式化完成。磁盘重新扫描完成。磁盘概述请看这里在 clearpart 命令中指定的磁盘标签“%s”不受本平台支持。不会对未在此处选择的磁盘进行任何操作。您确定要停止吗?正在下载 %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)正在下载组元数据......正在下载软件包元数据......复制软件仓库名称。空白空白软件仓库名称已启用加密加密已经有足够的熵了,请停止敲击键盘为“%s”输入新值然后按回车 企业可以通过随机的敲打键盘来增加熵错误添加 FCoE SAN 时出错。检查软件依赖关系时出错检查软件依赖关系时出错。点击查看详情。检查软件选择出错检查存储配置出错检查存储配置时出错。点击查看详情。检查存储配置时出错。点击查看详情或再次按完成按钮继续。下载软件包元数据时出错设置 ISO 文件时出错设置基础软件仓库时出错设置软件源出错证书托管 %s 需要网络 。以太网示例:退出 shell 以继续代理 URL 中有多余字符FCP 设备 %(hba_id)s WWPN %(wwpn)s LUN %(lun)s添加新设备失败。点击查看详情。保存存储配置失败......设置安装源失败设置安装源失败,请查看源 url设置安装源失败,请检查源 rul 和代理设置。加密块设备解锁失败。点击查看详情。适中文件系统缺失固件已修复正在格式化 /dev/%s。可能需要一些时间完成。正在格式化 DASD空闲空闲空间可供使用的空间。可从现有分区中回收的空闲空间。全名全名不能含有冒号GRUB2 不支持安装到分区。取消(_C)设备编号(_D):确定(_O)重试查找(_R)开始查找(_S)使用 _DCB使用自动 VLAN(_V)添加 FCoE 磁盘(_A)取消(_C)网卡(_N):将目标绑定至网络接口(_B)。可能会需要一些时间...取消(_C)查找认证类型(_D):确定(_O)对象的 IP 地址(_T):iSCSI 发起程序名称(_I):CHAP 密码(_P):CHAP 用户名(_U):重试查找(_R)CHAP 密码(_P):CHAP 用户名(_U):反转 CHAP 密码(_W):逆向 CHAP 用户名(_N):开始查找(_S)节点登录认证类型(_N):CHAP 密码(_P):CHAP 用户名(_U):登录(_L)重试登录(_L)CHAP 密码(_P):CHAP 用户名(_U):反转 CHAP 密码(_W):逆向 CHAP 用户名(_R):设备编号(_D):重试查找(_R)开始查找(_S)Home 目录(_D):手动指定组 ID (_G):手动指定用户 ID (_U):将用户添加到以下的组中(_A):取消(_C)保存更改(_S)已选择 %d 个存储设备(_S)添加刷新删除全部重设(_R)挂载点(_P):添加挂载点(_A)取消(_C)期望容量(_D):设备类型(_T):文件系统(_Y):RA_ID 级别:重新格式化(_O)加密(_E)修改(_M)...卷组(_V):取消(_C)选择(_S)修改...(_M)同时删除位于 %s root 下的所有文件系统(_A)。取消(_C)删除(_D)大小策略(_Z):取消(_C)名称(_N):保存(_S)及 %d密码(_P):解锁(_U)取消(_C)使用 dasdfmt 格式化(_F)确定(_O)24 小时制(_H)_AM/PM城市(_C):网络时间(_N)地区(_R):取消(_C)确定(_O)取消(_C)退出(_Q)已选择 %d 个存储设备(_S)添加 EC_KD DASD(_K)...添加 FCo_E SAN...添加 _iSCSI 对象...刷新列表(_L)搜索(_H)添加 zFCP LUN(_A)...多路径设备(_M)其他 SAN 设备(_O)_zSeries 设备过滤方式(_B):只显示具有以下类型的设备(_D):只显示以下来源的设备(_D):只显示包含以下内容的设备(_D):过l方式(_B):只显示包含以下内容的设备(_D):只显示具有以下类型的设备(_D):只显示以下来源的设备(_D):搜索结果(_U):搜索方式(_B):_LUN:端口(_P):目标(_T):_WWID:搜索条件(_Y):_CCW:_LUN:_WWPN:向下移动选中布局(_D)向上移动选中布局(_U)添加布局(_A)选项(_O)预览布局(_P)删除布局(_R)测试以下布局配置(_T):添加(_A)取消(_C)取消(_C)确定(_O)否(_N)是(_Y)解除锁定(_K)飞行模式(_A)主机名(_H):添加(_A)取消(_C)选择您要添加设备的类型(_S)连接(_O)取消(_C)配置(_C)...HTTP 代理(_P)H_TTPS 代理配置 URL(_C)_FTP 代理模式(_M)_Socks 主机密钥(_K):密码(_P):配置(_C)...配置(_O)...配置(_C)...网络名称(_N)停用热点(_S)...做为热点使用(_U)...确认(_F):取消(_C)密码(_P):保存密码(_S)确认(_C):Root 密码(_R):完成配置(_F)退出(_Q)重启(_R)全部删除(_A)保留全部(_A)取消(_C)删除(_D)保留(_P)回收空间(_R)缩小(_S)取消(_C)确定(_O)重新扫描磁盘(_R)关闭(_C)不安装引导程序(_D)删除(_R)设为 Boot 设备(_S)修改选择(_S)修改软件源(_M)退出(_Q)添加(_D)设备(_E):不要安装最新的软件更新(_U)。安装以上安装源内提供的默认版本。N_FS 挂载选项:密码(_W):代理 URL (_X):重设(_T)该 URL 指向一个镜像列表(_M)。该 URL 指向一个镜像列表(_L)。用户名(_S):自动检测到的安装介质(_A):选择 ISO (_C)_ISO 文件:名称(_N):在网络上(_O):代理设置(_P)...删除(_R)验证(_V)取消(_C)打开(_O)完成(_D)密码(_w):用户名(_n):取消(_C)启用 HTTP 代理(_E)确定(_O)代理主机(_P)使用认证(_U)日期和时间(_T)安装位置(_D)安装目标位置(_I)安装源(_I)键盘(_K)语言支持(_L)网络和主机名(_N)_ROOT 密码软件选择(_S)创建用户(_U)添加磁盘(_A)...完整磁盘摘要以及引导程序(_F)...修改存储布局(_M)退出(_Q)取消并添加更多磁盘(_A)回收空间(_R)取消(_C)退出安装程序(_Q)开始安装(_B)退出(_Q)接受更改(_A)取消并返回到自定义分区(_C)将此用户做为管理员使用此帐户需要密码高级(_A)...确认密码(_C)全名(_F)密码(_P)用户名(_U)我需要退出 (_e) 。我需要继续 (_p) 。继续(_C)退出(_Q)网关正在生成 initramfs正在生成更新后的存储配置正在获得布局列表...在 %d 次连接尝试失败后放弃! 放弃,时间已到(%d 分钟)。好无法使用图形化安装。正在启动文本模式。组成员组名称组密码硬件地址出现硬件错误帮助!我们将在这里告诉您目前所选软件需要多少空间。我们将在这里为您解释选项的意思。主机名主机名不能为无或使用空白字符串。主机名无效:%s主机名的长度必须小于 255 个字符。主机名:%s 主机名只能包含 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '-'(英文减号), 或者 '.'(英文点号),其中两个点号中不能为空且不能以'-'开头或结尾下调小时上调小时小时我想让额外空间可用(_M)。IDIMEI安装目标位置安装选项安装源安装信息摘要IP 地址IPv4 地址IPv4 地址或 %s DHCPIPv4 网关IPv4 子网掩码IPv6 地址IPv6 地址或 %(auto)s 用于自动连接,%(dhcp)s 用于 DHCP 连接,%(ignore)s 来关闭IPv6 默认网关标示符身份:安装将 Live 光盘安装到您的硬盘。安装到硬盘安装安装目标位置安装需要对您的硬盘进行分区。请选择要用于安装的磁盘空间。安装源需要首先设置安装源。没有设置安装源安装引导程序时出现错误导致安装停止。错误详细信息为: %s 安装程序将中止。正在安装正在安装引导程序正在安装软件互连接口无效 URL无效容器名称在 kickstart 中指定无效环境组名称无效:%s无效主机名无效分区大小。使用有效整数。无效代理 URL无效代理协议:%s无效软件仓库名称无效的时区用户名无效无效的用户名 %s。 正在加入域:%s键盘布局语言支持布局切换选项本地化LUKS 设备 %s 没有加密密钥LUNLUN:LVMLVM 简单配置标签:标签:%s语言未设置。语言设置语言布局选项未配置布局切换。本地标准磁盘本地介质区域logvol 命令中指定的逻辑卷“%s”不存在。逻辑卷名称“%(logvol)s”已经在卷组“%(volgroup)s”中使用。逻辑卷尺寸“%(logvolSize)s”必须大于卷组扩展尺寸的 “%(extentSize)s”。手动分区介质效验分钟下调分钟上调分钟型号更多网络配置在下方创建挂载点后 有更多自定义选项可用。对给定的引导驱动器“%s”,找到不止一个匹配项。挂载点(_P):挂载点网络和主机名(_N)网络配置NFS 挂载选项NFS 服务器 %s未填写 NFS 服务器fcoe 命令中指定的网卡“%s”不存在。名称软件仓库名称。域名服务器(以逗号分隔)需要空间网络网络配置网络名称网络配置iSCSI“%(iscsiTarget)s”目标请求的网络接口“%(nic)s”没有开启。新 %(name)s %(version)s 安装新设备新建 NTP 服务器新选择新值没有在设备的根目录下找到 *.iso 文件没有空间无证书 (发现身份验证已禁用)对指定的 BIOS 盘“%s”,没有找到磁盘。未分配磁盘没有检测到磁盘。请关闭计算机并至少连接一块磁盘后,重新启动进行安装。没有选择磁盘尚未选择任何磁盘。没有选择磁盘,要安装系统请至少选择一个磁盘。无主机 URL没有可用的安装源未找到可挂载设备没有可用的网络设备。没有为本地卷 "%s" 指定大小。请使用 --useexisting、--size 或者 --percent。名称为“%s”的精简池 (thin pool) 不存在。在指定精简卷之前先指定精简池。不会创建任何用户未找到有效的引导程序目标设备。详情见下方:名称为“%s”的卷组不存在。在指定逻辑卷前先指定卷组。节点名称节点登录失败。无未连接内存不足所选磁盘中没有足够剩余空间。文件系统没有足够的空间来安装当前的软件选择。还需要 %s 额外空间。不能调整大小注意:在您点击主菜单上的“开始安装“按钮之前”,您在本屏幕内所做的设置更改不会被应用。未选择注意:这是预发布软件,仅用于开发和测试。请勿在重要工作或生产环境中使用该软件。 点击 "继续" ,则说明您了解并接受预发行版的风险,只将该软件用于测试和开发,并且愿意报告所有 Bug 或问题,以便改进本软件。 如果您不了解或不接受风险,请点击 "退出" 按钮退出程序,此时将重新启动您的系统。可选代理密码。可选代理用户名。或者向下方选择的已有分区分配新挂载点。顺序其它存储选项PM预发布/测试物理卷分区“%s”已定义多次。父级part 命令中指定的分区“%s”不存在。分区方案配置分区密码中含有非 ASCII 字符未指定用于 autopart 加密的密码短语。密码短语:密码不匹配。密码密码 (确认):密码尚未设置。密码已设置密码已设置。密码:两次输入的密码不匹配!访问无线网络需要 密码或密钥访问无线网络 '%(network_id)s' 需要 密码或密钥。路径百分比值 0 到 100 之间。正在执行安装后设置物理卷“%(device)s”的格式为“%(format)s”,但应该是“lvmpv”格式。继续前请完成所有会话请先完成带有此图标标记的内容再进行下一步。请为 %(container_type)s 起个名字然后从下方至少选择一个磁盘。请为此容器起个名字然后从下方至少选择一个磁盘。请输入一个有效的挂载点。请输入有效名称。请从上述选项中选择:请根据以上列表进行选择。 | 选择后,按 'c' 继续。请手动将您的 vnc 客户端连接到 %s 来开始安装。请手动连接 vnc 客户端到 :%s,以便开始安装。切换至 shell(Ctrl-B 2)并运行“ip addr”可查看 。Please press请按 返回 shell。请提供 VNC 密码 (长度必须是 6-8 个字符)。 您必须输入该密码两次。如没有密码请留空。请输入 '%(yes)s' 或者 '%(no)s':请选择要安装的语言支持。 [%(back)s 返回语言列表,%(continue)s 继续,%(quit)s 退出]:请设置新 root 密码。您需要输入两次。请选择已连接到您的 FCoE 交换机的网络接口。请选择时区。 直接使用数字或输入名称 [%(back)s 返回地区列表,%(quit)s 为停止]:请运行 ssh install@%s 开始安装。请运行 ssh install@ 继续安装。请使用 live 桌面环境工具定制您的网络配置。在这里您可设置主机名。请稍等...仍在加载软件元数据。端口端口 / 目标 / LUN #门户准备部署 %s准备安装准备从安装源传送保留按 ENTER 键继续按回车键退出按下方的“OK”将带您到硬盘选择屏幕,然后您需要重新选择您的硬盘。密钥密码:正在探测存储......正在处理...进度软件仓库 URL 协议。URL 中的协议与所选协议不匹配供应商代理验证数据重复问题退出RAIDRAID 级别:raid 命令中指定的 RAID 设备“%s”不存在。RAID 设备“%(device)s”的格式为“%(format)s”,但它应该是“mdmember”格式。RAID 分区“%s”已定义多次。包含 '%(desc)s' 的 RAID 集必须拥有以下的设备类型:%(types)s。包含 '%(desc)s' 的 RAID 集必须包含下列元数据版本之一:%(metadata_versions)s。包含 '%(desc)s' 的 RAID 集必须拥有以下的 raid 等级:%(raid_level)s。--useexiting 选项指定的 RAID 卷“%s”不存在。RAID0 (性能)RAID1 (冗余)RAID10 (性能,冗余)RAID4 (查错)RAID5 (分布式查错)RAID6 (冗余查错)回收磁盘空间重新扫描硬盘ROOT 密码随机数据质量:只读挂载可回收空间地区从硬盘重新载入存储配置。必须要有远程目录删除已选挂载点。移除已选软件仓库。替换现有 Linux 系统软件库 URL软件仓库名称与内置软件仓库名称冲突。请求的引导驱动器“%s”不存在或者不能使用。救援救援模式正在恢复硬件时间...恢复到之前的软件仓库列表。Root 选择已经禁用 root 账户root 账户已禁用。Root 密码Root 密码未设置已经设置 root 密码在您完成后运行 %s 命令来卸载文件系统。在您完成后运行 %s 命令来卸载文件系统。 正在运行安装后脚本运行安装前脚本所选磁盘软件软件选择称谓更改摘要系统正在保存存储配置...正在扫描硬盘。此过程要花些时间...安全安全密钥选择一个分区方案配置。选择要安装的其他语言支持:选择全部选择一个 ISO 文件做为安装源选择含有 ISO 文件的设备选择此设备所驻留的一个或多个磁盘。选择要在其中安装系统的设备。点击主菜单中的“开始安装”按钮前不会对该设备进行任何操作。所选设备已选布局所选环境无效设置日期和时间设置主机名正在设置安装源...正在设置安装环境将 %s 设置为默认文件系统类型失败。Shell缩小单独设备 (无冗余,无分段 (Striping))跳至 shell从属软件选择源已更改 - 请验证特别的及网络磁盘指定名称 %s 已被使用。指定软件库选项速度标准分区启动 VNC启动 shell开始安装到硬盘正在启动 VNC...正在开始自动安装正在启动软件包安装进程开始从 %(source)s 提取 %(branchName)s状态不详状态不详 (缺失)存储选项由于不可恢复的错误而导致存储配置重设。点击查看详情。强子网掩码总空间b(开始)继续no停止刷新yesb(后退)继续停止b(后退)停止目标目标 WWID设备“%(device)s”的目标尺寸“%(size)s”无效。组合组合 %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 已连接键盘配置测试不可用。文本模式的安装选项有限。该模式不提供可完全控制磁盘布局的自定义分区选项。您要使用 VNC 模式代替吗?挂载点已经 使用。要尝试其它挂载点吗?那个挂载点已在使用中。要尝试其他挂载点吗?那个挂载点无效。要尝试其他挂载点吗?不支持“%s”文件系统类型。%(product_name)s 的图形安装程序需要 %(needed_ram)s MB 内存, 但是您的计算机只有 %(total_ram)s MB 内存。目前不支持 %s kickstart 命令。您计算机中的 boot 区域是保存启动 操作系统所需文件的地方。您计算机中的 home 区域是保存 个人数据的地方。您计算机中的 root 区域是保存核心 系统文件和应用程序的地方。您计算机中的交换分区是供 操作系统在内存不足时使用的区域。要启用 BIOS 硬件的 GPT 分区引导, 则需要磁盘中BIOS 引导分区。ISO 镜像 %s 的大小不是 2048 字节的倍数。这可能是由于镜像在传输到这台计算机的过程中出现错误所致。 建议您退出并取消安装。如果您认为这只是个错误,那么您也可以继续安装。您要继续使用该镜像文件吗?在某些 PPC 平台中的引导程序配置中, 需要 PReP 引导分区。您选择的 RAID 级别 (%(level)s) 所需磁盘数量 (%(min)d) 要比您当前选择的磁盘数量 (%(count)d) 多。名为“%s”的 RAID 卷已在使用。VNC 服务器正在运行。该容器已加密。查找 DASD 设备时出现以下错误。请仔细检查您的配置信息并重试。查找 iSCSI 对象时出错。请仔细检查您的授权信息然后重试。查找 zFCP 对象时出现以下错误。请仔细检查您的配置信息然后重试。登入所选 iSCSI 节点时发生以下错误。请仔细检查您的授权信息然后重试。添加 FCoE SAN 时出现以下错误。请检查您的配置然后重试安装引导程序时发生以下错误。系统将无法引导。您要忽略该错误并继续安装吗?安装时出现以下错误。这是个致命错误,安装将中止。在下载托管的证书时出现以下错误: %s您的分区出现以下错误: %(errortxt)s 现在将终止安装。在检测您的存储配置时发生以下错误。 您可以修改存储方案或退出安装程序。您的 Linux 系统中有下列文件系统没有被完整卸载,您仍要挂载它们吗? %s在您的系统中找到以下安装: 以下必须的内容还没有完成:发现以下节点在使用 iSCSI 发起程序 %(initiatorName)s,使用的目标 IP 地址为 %(targetAddress)s。请选择您要登入的节点:以下标为要安装的软件存在错误。这可能是您的 安装源错误所造成的。在您的系统中检测到以下未格式化的 LDL DASD。您现在可以选择使用 dasdfmt 对其进行格式化,也可以取消操作使其保留未格式化状态。在安装过程中不能使用未格式化的 DASD。在您的系统中检测到以下未格式化的 LDL DASD。您现在可以选择使用 dasdfmt 对其进行格式化,也可以取消操作使其保留未格式化状态。在安装过程中不能使用未格式化的 DASD。 在检测您的存储配置时发生以下错误。虽然并不是致命错误,但您应该考虑修改存储方案。软件包组 '%s' 对于本次安装时必需的。该软件包组不存在。这是一个致命错误,本次安装将中止。安装无法继续,且系统将重启。由于您的硬件可能存在问题导致安装停止。详细错误信息如下: %s。 安装程序将停止。安装程序试图挂载安装镜像,但无法在硬盘上找到该镜像。 要再次尝试查找镜像吗?最大尺寸“%s”无效。挂载点“%s”无效。必须以 / 开始。挂载点 %s 必须在 Linux 文件系统中。软件包 '%s' 对于本次安装时必需的。该软件包不存在。这是一个致命错误,本次安装将中止。密码长度不能超过 8 个字符。密码为空。密码已设置。密码至少应包含六个字符。密码由 kickstart 设置您输入的密码包含非 ASCII 字符。您可能无法在键盘布局间进行切换来登录。按完成按钮继续。您输入的密码强度较低。您必须按完成(Done)按钮两次来确认该密码。您输入的密码强度较低:%s。您必须按完成(Done)按钮两次来确认该密码。密码不匹配。您输入的密码不相同。 请重试。救援环境现在将要开始寻找您所安装的 Linux,并将它挂载到 %s 目录下。然后您便可以对系统进行必要的更改。如果您想开始执行这一步骤,请选择“1”。 您还可以选择 '2' 将文件系统挂载成“只读”模式而不是“读写”模式。 如果由于某种原因导致这一过程失败,您可以选择“3”该步骤,直接进入 shell。 root 帐户用于管理系统。为 root 用户输入密码。尺寸“%s”无效。标记为要安装的软件存在以下错误。这可能是您的安装源错误所造成的。您可以退出安装程序然后修改软件源,或者更改您所选择的软件。此挂载点的可用空间大小可通过修改下方的卷进行更改。系统需要更高质量的随机数据,您可以通过随意敲击键盘、移动鼠标来提高质量。时间超时的话,无论随机数据质量如何,安装都会自动继续。系统需要更多随随机熵退出 shell 时系统将自动重启。 不再支持 kickstart 升级命令。升级功能通过 fedup 提供。卷组名称“%s”已在使用。现有存储配置存在问题: %(errortxt)s 必须在安装进行前解决该问题。可通过按 ctrl-alt-f1 组合键然后按 ctrl-b 2 打开 shell 进行修改。 问题解决后,可再次尝试扫描存储。如果问题没有解决,则只能退出安装程序。已有的文件系统中也会存在空闲空间。由于存在风险,因此在恢复这些空闲空间前,建议您先备份数据,之后再使用这部分空闲空间用于本次安装。您的 /etc/fstab 文件中有一项存在无效或不正确的文件系统类型: 您的磁盘选择有问题。点击此处查看详情。运行 kickstart 脚本的 %(lineno)s 行时出错。这是一个致命错误,安装将会中止。错误详情为: %(details)s该 LVM 卷组的 %(totalPVs)d 个物理卷中有 %(missingPVs)d 个缺失。您可以将其移除或选择另外的设备。软 RAID 阵列的 %(totalMembers)d 个成员分区中有 %(missingMembers)d 个缺失。您可以将其移除或选择另外的设备。此设备无法直接编辑。您可以将其移除或选择其它设备。该设备包含安装源。此设备已加密,没有密码不能读取。您可在下方解开。该字段为可选项。该文件系统可能无法重新定义大小。红帽不支持这个硬件 (或其组合)。有关支持的硬件信息请参考 http://www.redhat.com/hardware 。这是一个不稳定的预发布软件。此介质正常,可用于安装。无法使用此介质安装。此挂载点无效。%s 目录必须在 / 文件系统中。该平台要求 /boot 在单独的分区或逻辑卷上。 如果您不想要 /boot 卷,则必须将 / 放在一个单独的非 LVM 分区上。未设置时区时区设置提示:将设备关闭再打开后可立即应用配置。要使用 DASD 磁盘,您必须提供该设备的编号。要使用 iSCSI 磁盘,则必须提供已在您主机中配置的 iSCSI 对象的地址以及 iSCSI 发起程序名称。要使用 zFCP 磁盘,您必须提供配置该设备的设备编号、WWPN,以及 LUN。总共选择的要回收空间大小:%s尝试按 Btrfs 标准使用未定义分区“%s”。已尝试按 RAID 标准使用未定义分区“%s”。已尝试按卷组标准使用未定义分区“%s”。试用 Fedora类型在这里进行搜索。未格式化的 DASD不带协议前缀的软件仓库 URL。URL 中没有主机部分未填写 URL代理 URL,格式为 protocol://host:[port]用户设置未找到要运行的 /bin/bash!没有启动 shell。不可接受的文件系统标签格式。不可用探测到未格式化的 DASD未知未管理不受支持的硬件检测到不支持的硬件更新使用使用全部空间使用空闲空间使用网络时间使用本产品即表示遵守此许可协议 %s使用文本模式使用来自发现 (discovery) 步骤的证书将创建用户 %s用户和组 ID创建用户用户名用户名:VLANVLAN %(interface_name)s (%(parent_device)s, ID %(vlanid)s) 已连接VLAN IDVNCVNC 密码VNC 密码长度必须是 6 到 8 个字符。 请输入新密码,或留空保持无密码。VPN 类型厂商正在效验介质,请等待...卷卷组卷组名 %s 已经在使用。未保存更改。卷组"%s"没有定义任何物理卷。请指定物理卷,或者用 --useexisting 选项。volgroup 命令中指定的卷组“%s”不存在。卷组指定了物理大小“%(extentSize)s”,但它的数值必须是: %(validExtentSizes)s 之一。欢迎欢迎使用 %(name)s %(version)s。WEPWPAWPA2WWIDWWPNWWPN:正在等待 %s 个线程结束警告,正在检查存储配置检查存储设置时报警。点击查看详情。检查存储配置时出现警告。点击查看详情或再次按完成按钮继续。警告:选择格式化后,所有使用安装程序生成的存储变更都将会丢失。 要执行 dasdfmt 吗? 警告:如果您在安装后解密硬盘,您将无法(从默认布局)在键盘布局之间进行切换。警告在点击“开始安装”按钮前我们并不会操作您的磁盘。我们需要访问网络来获取有关您位置的信息,并为您 提供软件更新。弱欢迎使用 Fedora您在安装过程中想使用哪种语言?完成后,请退出 shell,然后系统会重启。在您为 %(name)s %(version)s 安装创建挂载点后,您可在这里浏览它们的详细信息。您更喜欢使用哪一种组合键进行键盘布局切换?您要使用哪个安装源?您要在系统中使用哪种键盘布局?可以将任意布局移动到列表顶部将其选为默认布局。在 15 秒后尝试重新连接...有线(%(interface_name)s)已连接有线 (%(interface_name)s) 已连接 有线 (%(interface_name)s) 已断开 无线无线已连接至 %(access_point)s可以工作正写入网络配置您的计算机无法启动 X。您想用其它计算机通过 VNC 来连接该计算机并进行图形化安装吗?或者继续以文本模式安装?您目前正在通过免安装介质运行 Fedora。 您现在就可以安装 Fedora,也可以在稍后通过选择活动概览中的 “安装到硬盘” 来进行安装。您可以在稍后任何时候通过选择 活动概览中的 “安装到硬盘” 来进行安装。您可以移除不使用的文件系统来释放空间以便进行安装。移除文件系统将会永久地删除其中的数据。您现在可以移除或插入其它硬盘然后按下方的“重新扫描硬盘”,让更改生效。您没有任何 Linux 分区。重启。 没有任何 Linux 分区。%s。 您选择加密您的部分数据。您需要创建一个密码,用于在计算机启动后访问您的数据。您已选择跳过引导程序的安装。您的系统可能无法引导。您还没有配置有效的 NTP 服务器您还未创建可引导的分区。您还没有指定继续安装 %s 所必需的根分区 (/)。您还没有指定 swap 分区。在没有 swap 分区时,安装需要 %(requiredMem)s 的内存才能继续,但您的计算机当前只有 %(installedMem)s 内存。您尚未指定交换分区。虽然并非在所有情况下都需要,但在大多数情况会显著提高系统性能。您输入的密码包含非 ASCII 字符。 您可能无法在键盘布局间进行切换来登录。 您提供了一个弱密码:%s您的密码强度较低。 确定要继续使用吗?您输入的密码强度较低。 再次单击完成按钮继续使用该密码。您的密码强度较低:%s 确定要继续使用吗?您输入的密码强度较低:%s. 再次单击完成按钮继续使用该密码。您输入了无效的用户名:%s 提示:您的用户名长度要小于 32 个字符且不能使用空格。 您已指定在安装中排除“%s”软件组。但该软件组不存在。您要忽略该软件组然后继续安装进程吗?您已指定要安装软件组“%s”。但该软件组不存在。您要忽略该软件组然后继续安装进程吗?您已指定要安装软件包“%s”。但该软件包不存在。您要忽略该软件包然后继续安装进程吗?您还没有为 %(product)s %(version)s 的安装创建任何挂载点。您可以:格式化完成后,您可以 返回主菜单 完整 其他安装选项。当扫描结束后您可以回到主菜单 完成其它安装选项。您可从以下键盘布局中选择一个添加:您可以用逗号做为分隔符在此输入多个组名或组 ID。不存在的组将会创建;在括号中指定组的 GID。您必须在根设备上创建新文件系统。您必须要输入您的 root 密码,并且再次输入以确认后才可继续。您必须设置密码您需配置网络才能使用网络安装源。如果您要使用 NTP,需要首先设置网络。所选磁盘 %(selected)s 中包含同样使用未选择磁盘 %(unselected)s 的设备。还必须成组选择或者取消选择这些磁盘。在自定义分区中您可以获得可用空间。然后设置密码。您的 %(mount)s 分区小于 %(size)s MB,小于正常安装 %(productName)s 的建议值。您的 %(mount)s 分区太大,无法用 %(format)s 格式化(允许大小为 %(minSize)s 到 %(maxSize)s)您的 %(mount)s 分区太小,无法用 %(format)s 格式化(允许大小为 %(minSize)s 到 %(maxSize)s)您的计算机是基于 BIOS 的计算机,因此系统需要一个特殊分区以便从 GPT 磁盘标签引导。要继续,请创建一个大小为 1MB 的”biosboot“分区。您当前的 %(product)s软件选择需要 %(total)s 的可用空间,这其中包括用于软件的 %(software)s 和用于 swap 的 %(swap)s。您的自定义更改将产生以下变更,这些变更将会在您返回到主菜单并开始安装时生效:您的根分区小于 250 MB,这个空间通常太小,不足以安装 %s。系统中存在未挂载的问题文件系统, 可在 shell 中执行 fsck 命令并挂载分区。 已将系统挂载到 %(mountpoint)s 。 若想让您的系统成为 root 环境,请执行命令: chroot %(mountpoint)s 您的系统被挂载在 %s 目录之下。点这里自动创建他们(_C)。继续(_C)期望容量(_D):完成(_D)加密我的数据(_E)。退出安装程序(_E)我要配置分区(_I)。标签(_L):名称(_N):新挂载点将使用以下分区方案(_N):否(_N)确定(_O) 保留当前选项(_P)退出(_Q)重设分区选项(_R)重试(_R)更新设置(_U)是(_Y)autopart %s 的文件系统类型无效。引导程序第二阶段设备 %(stage2dev)s 位于多磁盘阵列上,而引导程序第一阶段设备 %(stage1dev)s 不是该阵列的一部分。第一阶段引导程序仅会安装到单独的一个磁盘上。引导程序第二阶段设备 %(stage2dev)s 位于多磁盘阵列上,而引导程序第一阶段设备 %(stage1dev)s 不在该阵列。%(stage2dev)s 的驱动器错误会引起系统无法启动。已选定容器描述可用磁盘例如:"20 GB", "500mb" (去掉引号)空密码英文名称可用空间iscsi --iface 必须为所有目标指定 (使用 binding),或全部都不指定本地 ISO 文件logvol --noformat 必须同时使用 --name= 选项。异常 URL,无法解析。分钟名称原始名称part --noformat 必须同时使用 --onpart 选项。qraid --noformat 必须同时使用 --device 选项。已选择存储配置失败:%s小结正在测试状态...被拔出使用volgroup --noformat 和 volgroup --useexisting 都必须同时使用 --name= 选项。wheel, my-team (1245), project-x (29935)